Lydia Brown Hanna

Born, April 1, 1892 in San Angelo, Texas
Died, February, 1980 in Texas at age 87.
Click here for photos of Parker and Lydia Hanna
Husband, Parker Davie Hanna (1891 - 1981)

 Daughter, Frances Estells Hanna (1913 - 1980)
Daughter, Betty Brown Hanna (1914 - )
Son, Patrick Davie Hanna (1916 - 1990)
Son. John Hanna II (1917 - 1979)
Daughter, Virginia Adele Hanna Ptak (1919 - )

Father, Charles R. Brown (includes links about Ashton Villa, etc.)
Mother, Estelle Emily Austin

Memoirs of Lydia Brown Hanna

Book about Lydia's Aunt Bettie Brown (lots of family history included)

Lydia was 8 when the Storm of the Century struck Galveston
Book about the storm (Isaac's Storm : A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Erik Larson, Isaac Monroe Cline
Amazon Price: $7.80

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