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The Undiscovered Wildcat
Jumpers are a species of wild cat. They were discovered by Lalu Wales
and Theresa Zeitz-Lindamood. They are a cross between a Bengal tiger, a ocelot, and a snow
leopard. There are 2 kinds of Jumpers. There are the Woodland Jumper (Panthurus Leapus)
and the Everest Jumper (Panthurus Leapus Snowus). There is also a African
Jumper, but, it is only a Woodland Jumper, only lighter. All Jumpers have short, stubby
stripes and spots like a cheetah. They are very rare animals and can only be found
on the top of Mt. Everest (the Everest Jumper) and in the dense jungles of India.
Woodland jumpers
(Panthurus Leapus)

Habitat: India, Africa and Australia. Prefers moderate
or warm temperatures.
Appearance: a tawny-brown or brownish color
Prey: all small mammals-rabbits, squirrels and mongooses-, birds and
large mammals
Size: most are a bit bigger than a domesticated cat, but can grow to the
size of a Leopard.
Jumping height: 10 feet at the maximum, but they usually only jump 5
Behavior: Woodland Jumpers are diurnal (active at day.)
Hunting tactics: They usually catch large animals (for example: antelope
or kangaroo) by leaping down on they antelope’s back and biting its neck. They also
attempt to hunt sick or old animals that are alone by bouncing up and landing on the preys
back and biting its neck
Everest jumpers
(Panthurus Leapus Snowus)

Habitat: top most part of Mt. Everest. Their lungs can
stand air with not much oxygen very well.
Appearance: whitish-gray and sometimes even totally white. They have much
larger paws to grip onto rocks and have a much thicker coat than Woodland Jumpers.
Prey: any edible things found. If no food is found at the top, they
migrate down to lower levels.
Size: about the size of a large ocelot
Jumping height: 5-10 feet
Behavior: active both day and night, but do most hunting by night.
Hunting tactics: the same as Woodland Jumpers, but they also creep along
the snow until you are close enough to leap on an animal and then pounce and bite.
jumper facts
Fact: Another Name for an Everest Jumper is a
"Snow Jumper" because they like to play in the snow.
Fact: a Jumper's life span can be from 10 to 67
Fact: Jumper cubs are born blind, deaf and helpless
(not to mention they are small as mice!)
Fact: the record of a jumpers' leap is 12 feet (from
the ground !!!)
there are only about 18 surviving jumpers today